National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape
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See our Frequently Asked Questions page

The National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape, a project of the former Women’s History Research Center, is an organization of consultants, researchers, speakers, and resources for legal and medical advocates, writers, the media, students, and concerned campus and community people.

Duties can include:

- Working as marital and date rape court case telephone researcher/publicist/librarian/telephone referral representative

- Office Coordinator -- managing phones, resource files

- Publicity Coordinator -- doing phone publicity before 8 a.m. at office, to student groups and libraries/women’s studies faculty and medical/law schools, and writing follow-up correspondence, recording calls, and analyzing contacts

Journalism Internship -- Working with various media contacts around the country, investigative reporting and research.

Law and Criminology Internship -- Ideal for Political Science, Law and other majors interested in a close-up view of the criminal justice process -- involves examining and interpreting laws, following current legislation and tracking cases nationwide, participating in the justice process

Psychology/Counseling Internship - no one-on-one counseling, but opportunities to research and assist others researching social basis of problems of marital rape, date rape and incest and victims' reactions, feelings and trauma - provides good informational background/training.

-Conference Representative - staffing tables at locations nationwide

-Working to bring Director Laura X to your campus (need never work in Berkeley office.)

Hours: Negotiable between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m, weekdays and weekends

Salary: All internships are volunteer. Academic credit is often available and interships can be geared to career goals.

Announcement of Internships - see more info about the various types of internships available
Internship FAQ
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